select p.Name,p.Statisfaction,d.Departmentfrom Person as pinner join (select d.DepartmentID,d.Department, max(p.Statisfaction) as Statisfaction from Department as d left join Person as p on p.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentID group by d.DepartmentID,d.Department) as don p.Statisfaction = d.Statisfaction and p.DepartmentID = d.DepartmentIDorder by d.DepartmentID-- 先查出每个部门的最高满意度、部门ID、部门名称,然后和员工表做一个内连接
select distinct,,c.call_datefrom(select a.*,DATEDIFF("D",a.Call_date,b.Call_date) as daydiff from Call as a,Call as b where a.Phone = b.Phone and != as cwhere c.daydiff >=0 and c.daydiff <= 7-- 自连接